Understanding the Widespread Impact of Occupational Fraud: Key Findings from the 2024 ACFE Report to the Nations
The 2024 ACFE Report to the Nations reveals that no organization is immune to the risk of occupational fraud, with victim organizations spanning all sizes, industries, and regions. The study shows that privately held companies were the most common victims, accounting for 42% of cases, with a median loss of $150,000. Publicly traded companies and government agencies followed closely, each with a median loss of $150,000, representing 26% and 17% of cases, respectively. Nonprofit organizations, including NGOs, experienced the lowest incidence of fraud, comprising only 10% of cases, and had the smallest median loss at $76,000. These findings highlight the widespread nature of occupational fraud and underscore the need for all organizations, regardless of size or sector, to allocate resources effectively to combat fraud and reduce losses.
Thank you to the ACFE’s Report to the Nations!